Research Fellowship Program: Welcome Jack and Jerome

EHDD is thrilled to inaugurate a Research Fellowship Program this summer in lieu of our traditional student internships. This fellowship allows us to partner with students from outside the architectural profession to advance interdisciplinary research.

Jerome Wang brings a background in public health, experience with Berkeley Innovation (a student-run consulting group at UC Berkeley studying indoor public spaces) and UCSF Better Lab, and deep empathy for our research on how to design healthy campuses in a post-C19 world.  He is creating customized EHDD Wellness Assessment Guidelines for Higher Education Projects.

Jack Rusk is developing a customized EHDD carbon assessment tool for early-stage design. His background in environmental management and architecture is leveraged to build a parametric model that looks at both operational and embodied carbon emissions and their potential reductions on our projects.

These could not be more timely collaborations. Be on the lookout for upcoming blogs on these exciting tools.